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This is a story about people staying in an Old Age home. Retired Out is a unique way of getting out in cricket. After spending the entire life being someone's “Yes Sir”, you are given a short yet strong message “You are not needed, Sir”. Leaving all the responsibilities behind, you retire at the age of 60. Similar to the game of cricket's way of getting out, here you are pushed out forcedly and you retire. Suddenly the most active person is out of his daily routine as he just waits for the day to end all throughout the day. Slowly and steadily the once-active person becomes engulfed by the tentacles of diseases. You become of no use and your successors treat you as a burden and slowly they push you to another extra level of retirement. This extra level or last level is sending the aged parents to Old Age Homes. An old age home is a place where everyone feels that they are abandoned and dumped here as if they are of no use. Presenting you the story of the members of such an old age home. An altogether different way of leading a post-retirement life that every aged person can ever dream of. Come, let us together experience the roller coaster ride of the Inmates going back in time to enjoy their lives. Such is the chemistry amongst the members, that a situation comes where an Inmates does not even feel like going back home. But it's not only happiness all the way but death is also witnessed unexpectedly. Joy, a young man, who also happens to be a part of their journey, is actually a private company employee. Love happens to be in the air as the Inmates find a new way of living a life with a sweet grey-haired love story. Will the love story find its way to finding itself? Find it out yourselves as you go through the journey of the Inmates treading through the path of happiness, adventure, uncertainty and so on.

Barman, Inmates

13,45 €



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