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Titanium Chemistry 3 is the third chemistry textbook for lower secondary school. At the start of each chapter there are questions, experiments and videos. The texts introduce the students to the phenomena of chemistry. Each double-page ends with some exercises. At the end of each chapter, there are also revision exercises and a summary of the most important things. Content of the book: Salts and metals: 28. Acids and bases, 29. Salts and neutralization, 30. From ores to metals, 31. Properties of metals, 32. Galvanic series of metals, 33. Electrochemistry; Applications of Chemistry: 34. Plastics and the petroleum industry, 35. Paper and natural fibres, 36. Medicines, 37. Cosmetic substances, 38. New materials, 39. Chemistry and the environment

Muilu, Titanium Chemistry 3 basic level

42,05 €



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  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
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