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Passione Pizza by Luca and Salla-Maria is a comprehensive guide into the world of pizza. The book offers clear instructions for making delicious pizza at home with a relaxed vibe. The first half of the book is devoted to the theoretical side and the art of doughmaking, showing how the right ingredients make all the difference and providing the latest know-how suitable for home kitchens. The second half of the book delves into Luca's fantastical pizza recipes, bringing the right amount of challenge even for experienced chefs. Passione Pizza is designed for pizza lovers who are ready to follow recipes to the dot and put their patience on the line, while also offering plenty of inspiration for anyone with a more relaxed approach to the art of pizza making. Passione Pizza broadens perceptions on the notion of pizza and baking on the whole. It sparks a discussion on pizza not being last season at all but providing a wonderful foundation for self-expression. Luca and Salla-Maria Platania are an Italian-Finnish couple, who for the last decade have been shaping attitudes towards pizza in their home country Finland. They brought the concept of Roman pizza al taglio to Finland in 2012. Since then, the couple have engaged in various endeavours with their passion for pizza rising from strength to strength over the years. The couple were also contributors to the bestselling Pizze book published in Finnish.

Platania, Passione Pizza - The Art of Homemade Pizza and Beyond

27,35 €



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