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Osta nyt ja nouda ostoksesi myymälästä kahden tunnin sisällä, ilman toimituskuluja!

Lue mitenälänouto toimii

Do you love the holiday season and Christmas preparations? Would you like to hang a wreath on the front door, enjoy the scent of evergreens and eucalyptus, plant hyacinths during Advent time or set a festive table with a stunning floral centrepiece? If the answer is yes, Merry Christmas with Flowers is for you. The book will guide you every step of the way from anticipating the first Advent to the days leading up to Christmas. Telling a story of flowers, the book is packed with tips for making floral arrangements, bouquets and wreaths as well as care in-structions to ensure they thrive. The pages invite you into a festive, floral mood!

Vireaho, Green Christmas - Wreaths and Floral Arrangements

27,35 €



Osta nyt, nouda myymälästä

Ei saatavilla

  • Ilmainen palautus 30 päivää
  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
  • Asiakasomistajalle Bonusta jopa 5 %.

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