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The future is hidden in everyday routines. Little Guide to Sustainability is packed with advice for making your daily life more sustainable. Tips range from clothing, homes and cosmetics to smart devices, careers and investing. The compact guide brims with inspiration for better, more eco-friendly living. It will help you pinpoint areas that come naturally to you - we can all make a difference in our own way, and any improvement counts. ”The whole world is undergoing a huge shift and predicted trends need to be revised. It can lead to a whole lot of good.” Karita Sainio has devoted her career to working with ethical brands. She is the founder of Helsinki-based PR agency Sugar Helsinki with a focus on sustainability and creator of the Women in Business brand that seeks to empower women. She currently heads Moi Forest, a startup specialized in beneficial forest microbes. This is her third book on sustainability.

Sainio, Little Guide Book to Sustainability

17,95 €



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