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This two-sided Book of Chaos and Harmony can be turned over: one side is for chaos and the other for harmony. It relieves stress, balances todays hectic life, and helps you to focus on essential questions. This workbook is a great tool for carrying out plans and projects. Secret weapon for better living find the keys to happiness inside yourself Are you striving for balance in your life? Do you want to forget constant tiredness and stress? Use this stress management book to calm your mind down. Easy tips and tricks to manage your life The Book of Chaos and Harmony will help you to make your dreams come true and to organize your projects. The book aids you to concentrate on important things instead of stress and hurry. You will also notice the right angles of matters and go to them much faster. People with entrepreneur spirit are often overbooked with numerous ideas and thoughts making their lives hectic and uncontrollable. How to calm your mind down? This stress eliminating book is a marvelous tool for life and stress management. You cannot totally avoid stress but a right kind of life management will help you towards lightness and peace of mind. A more peaceful mind allows you to be more present at this moment. The book will lead you where you have always wanted to go, where you can be free of responsibilities and conflicts of creativity.

Luomala, The Book of Chaos and Harmony - Get Organized Without Stress

32,90 €



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