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Are you single, engaged, married or divorced? This book is for you. Are you in the clergy, the laity, religious or nonreligious? This book is for you. Regardless a politician, professor, doctor, banker, business person, college student, or an ordinary mom or dad, do you know who you are? Are you aware you have a missing or an inactive link and misguided code, whether married or unmarried? Notwithstanding, apart from those who remain sigle-for-life byoption or compulsion, the rest, at some point, has dreamed of a beautiful wedding day, blissful honeymoon, constant romantic getaways, and all the excitement life entails. But neither is prepared in the dream or whwn awake for life's realities that make or break anyone who dares to enter marriage. Nor does one know how to plan for the whole-package to resist the shattering blow of a divorce. Therefore, anyone who wants to resist the devastating blow, upon entering marriage, needs to question, his or her conviction of marriage. Prior, a window of opportunity into self and singleness is to be explored, properly. Thereafter, he or she is to understand marriage true meaning, preparation, and management. Moreover, same must learn how to build a marriage successfully and to ascertain the right elements along with the secret ingredient to sustaint it, without fail. Upon reading this book entirely, weighing the evidence carefully presented, judge disinterestedly, objectively, and impartially, whether the claims made herein are consistent, relevant, and valid. Based strictly on facts, you, too, will be persuaded to render a verdict in favor of the argument that, "A marriage Cannot Fail".

Ammons, A marriage that cannot fail

50,65 €



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