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Revised to align with EFQM 2010. The book describes through parallel examples how Al and Sam think and act when starting their consulting business with the help of EFQM framework and the ISO 9001 standard. The book describes how they act and think in their role as professional service providers. "The book's examples are extremely suitable for any professional service provider. As a sales and marketing consultant I find the examples extremely apt. The book helps the entrepreneur starting out in business to analyse and evaluate his or her own actions, and it can best be used for exactly what it was written for - to help the beginning consultant with self-assessment." Paula Keltaniemi, marketing and sales consultant. Related books: 952-5583-84-8, e-book: 978-952-228-948-3, Asiantuntija käynnistää oman yrityksen, 952-5583-86-4 tai 978-952-228-927-8, e-book: 978-952-228-959-9, Asiantuntijayrityksen käynnistäminen pähkinässä, e-book: 978-952-228-153-1

Starting up Your Professional Service Enterprise - EFQM 2010

33,60 €
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