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Revised to align with EFQM 2010. Both Ron and Larry are about forty and each of them has acquired experience of working with farm buildings, machines and renovation work. Each of them has completed a machine and woodwork course at a vocational school and worked off and on for local building firms. From more or less the same starting line they decide to set up their own company offering building and renovation services. The book describes through parallel examples how Ron and Larry go about setting up their businesses and how they act and think in their role as skilled building entrepreneurs. The books apply EFQM framework and the ISO 9001 standard. Related books: 978-952-5672-94-7, e-book: 978-952-228-947-6, Ammatintaitaja käynnistää yrityksen, 952-5583-96-1 tai 978-952-228-926-1, e-book: 978-952-228-958-2, Ammatintaitajayrityksen käynnistäminen pähkinässä, e-book: 978-952-228-155-5

Starting up Your Skilled Trade Business Enterprise - EFQM 2010

33,60 €
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