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The focus of the project is on mass communication research, but it also takes into account studies on linguistics, organizational communication, public relations, research on communication technology as well as economy of communication when they are related to media and communication research. It not only maps academic communication and media research but also research made by governmental institutions and private research agencies as well as - so far as it is possible - private media companies' own research activities. The objective of the project is to provide a general overview of communication and media research in the aforementioned seven countries. It maps the main institutions and organizations, approaches, and national charasteristics of communication and media research in each country. The focus is on the years 2005 and 2006 but some parts of the project have considered sample data from a longer period when relevant. The gathering and analysis of the data was carried out during the Autumn 2006 and the Spring 2007. The sample consists of secondary data from previous studies, existing statistics and primary data from interviews with key personalities in communication and media research.

Mapping communication and media research

50,10 €
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