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This book is a unique presentation starting with the basic elements of philosophy and language and then building up to a description of social and political life dealing with dimensions such as: democracy, law, economy and moral, which are all showed to be perceptions resulting from social practices. Competition is the key denominator for all these aspects of social life. With the fundaments laid the presentation moves on to deal with post-Soviet Russian social reality and especially with the emergence of Russian law from the ashes of Soviet past. The main theses the book builds on are that: Language represents interpretation of feelings and there is nothing more fundamental to it. We need to make a sharp distinction between natural sciences and social sciences; Competition like we understand it in Economics is the organizing idea of all social cognition and sciences (although we have to be on our guard with the notion science) Law is first time ever properly defined as a Competition of Arguments Law is the result of social practices (legal practices). Law in an emerging country such as Russia will develop only with the development of peoples practices, not by mere issuance of laws and instructions as it is usually claimed.

Hellevig, Expressions and interpretations

23,45 €



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