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"Perspectives on Teamwork : Wisdom in Iranian Literature" by teaching self-leadership is an easy to understand guidance for transforming readers for better personal and social life. It educates about the importance of change, in ones' personal or/ and social life to reach more prosperity and success. It awakens readers, how important are to have goals in life, how to arrange a right set of goals, and how to achieve them. It emphasizes on teamwork in such a way that the reader recognizes; in our life we are very much involved in teamwork activities. Therefore, its chapters guide for obtaining better communication, teamwork, management, and leadership skills. On the other hand, different lessons provided in this book, include storytelling and examples which aim to make the lesson as easy as possible to be learned. The author has brought ancient and contemporary wisdom of Iranian literature to emphasize distinct topics and issues in personal and social life, teamwork, and self-leadership. Quotes and poems' stanzas of several famous Iranian sages are taken into use related to different chapters of the book. Hence it works as thought stimulation and enlightening tool, for readers from any demographic categories.

Perspectives on Teamwork

17,00 €

Huomaa pidempi toimitusaika

Tämä kirja on hankintatuote, joten toimitusaika voi olla tavallista pidempi. Arvioitu toimitusaika on noin 1–4 viikkoa.



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