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Osta nyt ja nouda ostoksesi myymälästä kahden tunnin sisällä, ilman toimituskuluja!

Lue mitenälänouto toimii

The book sheds light on the experiences of immigrants in different parts of the world and other insightful reflections on the art of carrying out fieldwork in the present day, when the task of locating the 'field' seems to present a particular challenge for researchers. This book is of interest to experienced ethnographers working in the discipline of migration studies and also to scholars conducting ethnographic research in other fields.

Where is the Field?

38,05 €



Osta nyt, nouda myymälästä

Ei saatavilla

  • Ilmainen palautus 30 päivää
  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
  • Asiakasomistajalle Bonusta jopa 5 %.

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