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Osta nyt ja nouda ostoksesi myymälästä kahden tunnin sisällä, ilman toimituskuluja!

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There's no one in the world like Grandma Gladys. She has time to chitchat with everyone in the neighbourhood. Still, she's never too busy to be with Jonty, the best summer guest she could ever imagine, who has some fun times ahead. Grandma even has her own club, the Bun Angels, who gather in her sitting-room to enjoy some coffee and delicious pastries. On their way to Spruce Cape our joyous couple stop at the village shop, where Grandma Gladys, to Jonty's horror, buys some really peculiar groceries. What's worse, even the toy shelf in this shop is terribly poor. However, at the cottage there's Grandma's old dresser full of wonders, and a giant pike may still live under the dock. Despite the thunderstorm and the leaking roof Jonty feels safe, because Grandma is there with him.

Pere, The Best Summer Guest

18,00 €



Osta nyt, nouda myymälästä

Ei saatavilla

  • Ilmainen palautus 30 päivää
  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
  • Asiakasomistajalle Bonusta jopa 5 %.

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