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Traces of Motherhood - Stories of Nordic Mothers' has a tender cover, but brutally honest content. In the book, 21 mothers openly share the most significant marks of their journey - ponder the visible and invisible traces motherhood has formed, and the emotions it has evoked. The book travels from fertility treatments to giving birth, to raising a little sister, to expecting the sixth baby, to losing one, to fighting for the rights of a special needs child, and to becoming a grandmother. The book also examines through a feminist lens the shifting culture of motherhood, and how its demands have changed yet not drastically evolved along-side the role of women and gender equality. The book is created by Marina Lönn and Tytti-Lotta Ojala, two mothers and designers. In connection with the stories, mothers are photographed by the award-winning photojournalist and creative Evelin Kask.

Lönn, Traces of Motherhood

27,35 €



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