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"Good Governance" phenomenon has occupied the central stage of development across the aid depending world for more than two decades. It has also been considered as an indispensable mean to win the obstacles towards good governance in order to ensure better democratic society. At present, it is difficult to find any debates on development that have not included a discussion of good governance. Among others, South-Asia is highly ambitious in implementing the notion of good governance. This edited book, "Towards Good Governance in South-Asia", is an opportunity to highlight the contemporary challenges of good governance of the aid recipient countries. Although examples are taken from South-Asia, the contexts and results would be applicable to across the developing world. It is hoped that this iniative will lead and continue to keep alive the discussion of the good governance to the discourse of governance and public administration of the 21st century. The respected scholars have contributed thought-provoking papers focusing on the multidimensional aspects of governance and good governance. They have intensively identified the challenges of governance and proposed sound policy guidelines for the road to good governance. The academics, students, researchers, development practitioners, civil servants, policy makers and all others interested and working in good governance discourse are expected to benefit most from this book.

Towards Good Governance in South-Asia

51,85 €
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