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The purpose of the book is to stimulate strategy execution as a brave collective expedition of the organisation. In a constantly changing environment this is one of the biggest challenges of the company executives. The vision and the plans are not visible in the daily activities of people. New skills are needed to achieve results with the strategy. The book is meant to everyone with an active role in the strategy. It is useful for managing directors, business unit heads and executive teams who pursue challenging goals mobilising the whole organisation. It also serves managers and specialists who dare take an active role and expose themselves as active actors in the strategy, without undue hesitation succeeding by co- acting. The themes of the book open the model for strategy execution: Clear Strategy, Active Dialogue / Execution culture creates energy / Turning Plans to Practices / Increased Agility for Strategic Projects / Breathing Life to Strategy Through Co-Acting and Participation / People Create the Change / Leadership and Coaching Develop Responsible High Performers / Challenges for High Performers (Doers) and Talents The authors of the book formed the "H2O" team which later evolved to become the STRATO team: Leena Masalin, Hasse Kvist, Anneli Valpola, Kenny Niutanen, Riitta Kalin, Lea Lillkåll and Jussi Heimonen.

Valpola, Strategy Into Action

62,30 €



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