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Transnational Death brings together eleven cutting-edge articles from the emerging field of transnational death studies. The collection highlights European, Asian, North American, and Middle Eastern perspectives, and reflects on people's changing experiences with death in the context of migration over time. The collection begins with a thematic assessment of transnational death studies, and then examines case studies, divided into Family, Community, and Commemoration sections. Together, the chapters provide new insights on issues including identity and belonging, community reciprocity, transnational communication, and spaces of mourning and commemoration. The collection is edited by Dr. Samira Saramo (University of Turku), Dr. Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto (University of Jyväskylä), and Professor of Ethnology Hanna Snellman (University of Helsinki).

Saramo, Transnational Death

39,40 €



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