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The purpose of the present study was to research empowerment in the context of Non-Governmental Organizations. The study aimed at depicting an empowered organization,outlining means of empowerment, and detecting empowerment inhibitors. The secondary research interests related to the role of culture in empowerment and testing a modified Delphiapplication. The research interest arose from practical dilemmas faced in development and humanitarian interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite a long history of development initiatives and vast experience, bringing about sustainable development remains a problem. A number of stakeholders in development initiatives seem to think that the concept of empowerment would be a part of the solution to the problem. Yet, there seemed to be an evident lack of depictions of an empowered organization, ways of empowerment, and empowerment inhibitors in the research literature. The study sought to create them. In addition, the studies on empowerment have touched relatively little on the role of culture in empowerment efforts despite the fact that a number of empowerment efforts have been and are conducted in cross-cultural contexts. The other secondary research interest related to Delphi method. One of the key features of Delphi-method has been anonymity during the Delphirounds or -iterations. However, in this study, the second Dephi-round was conducted in a group setting that was not anonymous. The aim of this piloting was to contribute to the scientific discussion on the method and its various applications.


48,35 €
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