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Stella's cheerful summer fun and anticipation of becoming a first grader are disturbed by a surprising turn of events. Grandpa falls over on his bicycle and is confined to a hospital bed for days. Their shared days at the quarry would have to wait. Stella is not as nervous about visiting Grandpa at the big hospital building now that she has become acquainted with a girl of her age who sits in a wheelchair. Stella is anxious to find a magic stone in her quarry with which she could wake Grandpa up. Whether it is thanks to the power of the stone or the affection of a small child that finally makes Grandpa open his eyes remains a mystery. Kirjoittaja Tuula Pere on helsinkiläinen oikeustieteilijä, joka on tutkimustyönsä ohessa julkaissut lastenkirjoja ja runoja. Kirjan kuvittaja Sanna Pelliccioni on tunnettu mm. Onni-poika kirjasarjastaan. Käännöksen on laatinut Päivi Vuoriaro. Stella and the Magic Stone on ilmestynyt suomeksi nimellä Sanni ja taikakivi.

Pere, Stella and the Magic Stone

17,10 €



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