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Lappeenranta is a town of happy Karelians located squarely between east and west. On one hand Lappeenranta is a vibrant urban centre, on the other it is an authentic country town. This small town near the Russian border is full of things to do and experience. Lappeenranta is unique with plenty to offer, including the original historic town centre and a fortress dating back to the times of Swedish and later Russian rule. In the summertime people from all over Finland travel to the shores of Lake Saimaa to enjoy the memorable harbours, numerous parks and beaches, cruise ships, terraces and the Saimaa Canal. Lappeenranta is also a university town with a vibrant international atmosphere. As a travel destination Lappeenranta is easy to approach from any direction. Lappeenranta is the engine driving the entire South Karelia region and, as the locals like to put it, ”A darn good town.” Also available in finnish and in english.

Marttinen, Lappeenranta tunnelmia (venäjänkielinen)

23,15 €



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Ei saatavilla

  • Ilmainen palautus 30 päivää
  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
  • Asiakasomistajalle Bonusta jopa 5 %.

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