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Lapland is a realm of eight seasons, the midnight sun, and long winters. The setting of human life in Lapland is the immeasurable, breath-taking expanse of nature. It is no wonder, then, that Laplanders are steadfast and sensitive, reliable and relaxed. Lapland is as far north as Central Greenland. However, the Golf Stream makes Lapland's climate more moderate and offeras the area everything necessary for life. Over time, a progressive and safe, affluent society has developed in this most sparsely populated corner of Europe. Photographer and non-fiction author Keijo Taskinen knows how to put the Lappish lifestyle into images and words. Lapland Impressions is an intriguing journey from light to shadow, from the sea to the fells, from daily life to celebration.

Taskinen, Lapland Impressions

18,50 €
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