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This volume analyses the societal legacy of Lutheranism in Finland by drawing on a multidisciplinary perspective from the social sciences and humanities. Involving researchers from a wide range of such fields has made it possible to provide fresh and fascinating perspectives on the relationship between Lutheranism and Finnish society. Overall the book argues that Lutheranism and secular Finnish society are deeply intertwined. This volume addresses different societal areas which have been significantly influenced by Lutheranism, but also demonstrate how Lutheranism and its institutions have themselves adapted to society. As part of an ongoing religious turn in humanities and social sciences research in Finland and other countries, this book argues that it is necessary to take religion into greater account to more fully understand current societies and cultures, as well as their futures.

Sinnemäki, On the Legacy of Lutheranism in Finland

39,40 €



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  • Ilmainen toimitus Postin nouto­pisteeseen yli 100 € ostoksille.
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