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Lue mitenälänouto toimii

The book is dedicated to a Finnish graffiti crew called TMS which has been doing pieces 30 years and is still active today. The group has seen the early days of Helsinki graffiti in the 80s, fought against the zero tolerance policy during two decades, paid fines, done time, been chased by cops, police dogs and security guards. Nowadays, the guys paint legal pieces during daytime, and go undercover when the sun goes down. Their fame is well-deserved. This crew is still true to its values; they're doing it because it's fun, they use a lot of color, keepin' it real and not giving a damn about the what others think. Even with the help of TMS, making the book was a huge mission. Gathering stories and funding, going through thousands of photos and getting the facts right took four years. But now it's finally finished. It is the history of the TMS - The Master Scraws.

Ezzat-Agha, TMS - Colors of True Graffiti

36,95 €



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