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Will the operation permit of the shabby circus of Mr Cannelloni be cancelled after a special inspection by the scrupulous government official Maximillian Knapp? Rosita, the wife of the circus director, discovers new powers within herself and masterminds the audacious Operation Hannibal. They have to get the caravan across the Alps in one night to get to the one thing that can fill up their empty cashbox. Putting their special skills into play, both the loyal strongman Budo von Bismarck and snakewoman Kleopatra chip in to save the beloved circus. The entire colourful circus crowd takes part in the action, and the performance of One and a Half Basses leaves no one cold. Kirjoittaja Tuula Pere on helsinkiläinen oikeustieteilijä, joka on väitöskirjatyönsä ohessa julkaissut lastenkirjoja ja runoja. Käännöksen on tehnyt Päivi Vuoriaro. The Circus of Mr Cannelloni on ilmestynyt suomeksi nimellä Herra Cannellonin sirkus.

The Circus of Mr Cannelloni

19,60 €
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