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Näytelmä Bostonin pommi-iskusta, jonka Tsarnajevin veljekset tekivät vuonna 2013. Tekstin on englanniksi sepittänyt kantasuomalainen miesoletettu lastenhoitaja. - Did you like The Death of Stalin? Then you'll love this one! (S. Räsänen) Meet Miss O'Shaughnessy, the Boston Marathon bomber... D. Murray is an aspiring actor who wants to play Jahar Tsarnaev in a film about the Marathon Monday terrorist attack. He's got a problem, though. He's way too old, in his forties. And he's too damn Irish! STONER GOES TO HELL is an autopsy performed on a living patient. She's barely breathing, but still. Liberal Democracy, the victim is called. The text is an indictment in three parts and a prologue. The findings are, among others, and in no particular order: Matt Taibbi is a Russian spy. Putin is a Moonwalker. Angela Merkel is Rita Marley. James Comey is a crybaby. Ramzan Kadyrov killed his father. He is going to kill Putin, too, if we give peace a chance. Norman Mailer and Gary Gilmore, may they rest in peace, made a huge contribution to the cause.

Paasio, Stoner Goes to Hell

23,05 €



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