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Textured Knits is a thoughtfully curated collection of contemporary and timeless handknits. The book includes sweaters, cardigans, shawls, and a pair of socks. The 20 fascinating patterns feature a variety of inventive ways to combine different textures, such as cables, colorwork, and embroidery. The result is a versatile knitwear collection that features stunning yet delicate elements. In true Laine-style, the knits are photographed and presented beautifully creating a publication that promises to be a true classic. Paula Pereira is a Brazilian knitwear designer. She is currently based in Luanda, Angola, where she lives with her husband. Paula is constantly inspired by the textures, colors, and motifs she sees around her, especially in architecture and art, which she then turns into stitches. Textured Knits is Paula's debut book.

Pereira, Textured Knits

43,65 €



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