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Prisman Asiakasomistajapäivät ke-su 29.5.-2.6. verkkokaupassa ja myymälöissä!

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Finish Ultimate Plus All in One tabs, for intensive clean and diamond shine 1st time, every time. It’s our first ever tablet with the CYCLESYNCTM technology that releases the right ingredient* to act at the right time. Its advanced chemistry tackles even burnt-on stains without pre-rinsing, delivering 4 actions throughout the wash cycle. The tabs protect and care for your glassware and cutlery, maintaining their shine wash after wash. Our revolutionary performance with 15% less chemical weight than Finish's traditional hard pressed powder tabs** *Ingredient: Enzyme **average Vs. Finish Power tabs

Finish Ultimate Plus konetiskitabletti 20kpl

5,29 €

0,26 €/kpl


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