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Knits from the LYS: A Collection by Espace Tricot captures everything we love about our local yarn stores. Exciting patterns, yarns both familiar and new, and helpful tips on getting the best results. For over 10 years, Espace Tricot has been the LYS (local yarn store) at the heart of Monkland Village in Montreal, Canada. Serving such a creative, artistic and multicultural community directly inspired this collaborative collection. Designers and shop owners Stephanie Earp and Naomi Endicott have assembled a range of patterns that offer something for every knitter. The 15 knits feature a variety of constructions, difficulty levels and techniques. Challenge yourself or stay in your comfort zone — it is up to you! The book includes designs from the following designers: Stephanie Earp & Naomi Endicott (designs and creative direction), Carolyn Bloom, Olesia Lewyckyj Jarymowycz, Jocelyne Malric, Mona Schmidt, Andie Schmidt and Dianna Walla. A French edition is planned to be released in 2024.

Earp, Knits from the LYS: A Collection by Espace Tricot

40,15 €



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